All posts by María

Green Friday, committed to local commerce and artisanal brands

green friday?
The Green Friday celebration does not have a date marked on the calendar. The objective of Green Friday is to appeal to responsible and sustainable consumption throughout the year, not just during the Black Friday celebration. While it is true, the maximum visibility and diffusion of Green Friday occurs on the last Friday of November and as an alternative to Black Friday. On Green Friday we can participate by promoting responsible consumption and sustainable .

From Getaria to Guéthary along the Basque whale coast

De Getaria a Guéthary por la costa ballenera vasca
This route between the old port of Guipuzcoa and the French one reveals the history and landscape of the Basque Cantabrian Sea. Gabi Martínez Les vagues vibrantes et la température cantabrique font de la côte basque un paradis pour les pêcheurs. Les 62 km qui séparent Getaria du basco-français Guéthary résument très bien la force de cette culture côtière marquée par la sardine, le thon ou l’anchois, même si l’animal qui apparaît sur .


embotar bonito paso a paso
The Getaria fleet carries out four main campaigns throughout the year. Summer is the height of the tuna season and, traditionally, many local families gather at the fish markets in the port to bottle this recently-arrived tuna, so that they can enjoy it all year round. It is true that doing it at home requires time and dedication, but it is worth it, especially if the raw material is of excellent quality and we .

Visit of students from the Basque Culinary Center

Visita de alumnos de BCC
We received a visit from the students of the Basque Culinary Center’s Master’s Degree. We are sure they enjoyed learning about the fishing tradition of anchovies and seeing how they are handmade by hand. We hope you had an enriching experience and that you will come back to visit us again soon. Thank you for your visit!

Savoring the Cantabrian Sea in Madrid!

Maisor en la 37 Salón Gourmet
MAISOR WILL BE PRESENT THIS YEAR AT THE “SALÓN GOURMETS” 2024 IN MADRID. We will be from April 22 to 25 at this 37th edition of the “Salón Gourmets”, at Ifema Madrid, promoting our Getaria artisan products. A meeting of professionals, national and international, from the sector gastronomic: restoration, hospitality, distribution, catering and specialized trade. +info:

The fishermen of Getaria start the new campaign

Verdel (caballa)
The fishing season in the Cantabrian Sea begins with mackerel fishing. March is the best time for this because during the winter this fish remains on the seabed, and in February, after having acquired a high level of fat, it rises to the surface. The Getaria fleet is preparing for the mackerel (mackerel) campaign. In the next few days, as soon as the weather allows, we will see the boats out in search of .

Txakolin Eguna, the festival of the new harvest of “Txakoli from Getaria”

Cartel de getariko txakolina
January 17, like every year, will be a great day in Getaria, and as they continue to say around here “San Anton, bixigua monton!”, reminding us that this fish that we eat today on specific dates was a long time ago, a everyday dish. Even then they would accompany the sea bream with txakoli, but after the creation of the Denomination of Getariako Txakolina Origin In the 90s, San Antón Day became Txakoli Day, .

Recipe for MAISOR ventresca with piquillo peppers

Receta. Ventresca de bonito con pimientos de piquillo
“Artzape” magazine, a local publication in Getaria, asked us to share a recipe with its readers for its ‘Delicias del pueblo’ section and we sent them a simple but exquisite recipe, made with our MAISOR white tuna belly and piquillo peppers. We wanted to publish it here so that all our customers can enjoy it and make it at home to share with friends over a glass of Txakoli from Getaria. You can use .